School Re-Opening Update

Here are some school re-opening updates:

  1. Parents who do not feel comfortable sending their children to school, to take advantage of a temporary 4 week option of remote learning from January 17- February 14, 2022.

If you choose this option, your children would stay home and learn both synchronously and asynchronously. Students would log on for attendance in the morning and the afternoon, as well as for live instruction for Language, Math and Religion. For all other subjects, students would work asynchronously on work provided in the teacher’s VLE (Virtual Learning Environment). If you are choosing this option, kindly message the classroom teacher so that they can prepare for Monday morning. If you choose this option, your commitment would be for the duration of this period, January 17 – February 14th.

When this 4 week period is up (Feb. 11), parents have the option to still keep their children at home but this would be a permanent switch until the end of June and your child would be placed into a completely online class in a different school. If you want to take advantage of this option you must follow the instructions in a memo that will come from the Board next week. Parents who have children that have been a part of the online environment during first term, can also choose to have their child move to in-person learning at this time by following the same directions.

2) Two other changes that you need to follow are that kindergarten students now need to wear masks so be sure to send them with masks and extras in case they get soiled. I know many of you are aware of this, but just a reminder that it is now mandatory. Another mandatory change is that ALL students must bring in the signed form each day that indicates that you have done the online screener with them. This will be sent home each day so you can fill it in the next morning and return.

3) A friendly reminder that there will NOT be Hot Lunches this coming week, so please plan accordingly.

Thank you for your continued support!