Winter Walk Day

Winter Walk Day is celebrated by schools across Canada on the first Wednesday of February each year.

Walking to and from school is fun every day, so we encourage you to journey outside throughout the entire month of February! This year, Winter Walk Day officially kicks off on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. So plan your Winter Walk to School on February 2nd.

Winter Walking

Don’t let the cold temperatures keep you from walking this winter. Walking in the winter can be especially good for your health. It is refreshing to your senses, beneficial to your mind and just plain FUN!  Being outside more often allows children to develop a stronger immune system and a resistance to allergies. It’s snowy….walking to school and playing outside in the winter gives children the opportunity to develop and strengthen their overall muscular system. Walking in the snow encourages balancing and using new muscles that are often not used. Just be sure to bundle up! So dress warm and get your walk on!