Notre Dame will once again be partnering with the Newmarket Food Bank to assist families in need in our community during this season of Lent. We will be participating in a Lenten One Day Food Drive on Wednesday March 30th, 2022.
On Wednesday March 30th bins will be placed near the front entrance of the school from 8:00 am. until 3:30 pm. Collection bins will also be placed at the end of the Kiss’n Ride area, during morning drop off, for your convenience.
Families are encouraged to place a bag of food and/or personal hygiene items in the bins/boxes.
Items Requested:
- Canned or dry food items i.e., Canned fruit, vegetables, beans, rice, cereal
- All Toiletries
- Gift cards from grocery stores are also being accepted at the school’s office
Thank you in advanced for your support and generosity!