Year: 2022

Update re: Possible Strike on Monday, Nov. 21

November 16, 2022


Dear Families of the York Catholic District School Board,

Earlier today CUPE served notice that they could resume their job action as soon as Monday, November 21, 2022.

In the event of a strike, York Catholic DSB will move to synchronous virtual learning on Monday. Schools will maintain their regular daily learning schedules. St. ... Continue reading "Update re: Possible Strike on Monday, Nov. 21"

Remembrance Day Liturgy

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day, and we will be having our Liturgy here at Notre Dame at 10:30 a.m. We would like to invite you to our Liturgy led by our Grade 8 classes. The Liturgy will take place in the gym. Please join us if you can.

Thanks, and enjoy your day!

Parent/Teacher Interviews and Picture Re-Take Day

The Parent/Teacher Interview form is going home with your child today (eldest). Please complete and return to the school, as we would like to schedule the interviews this Thursday, November 3rd for each family.

Picture Re-Take Day is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9th in the morning. Some classes will also have their class photo taken ... Continue reading "Parent/Teacher Interviews and Picture Re-Take Day"

Notre Dame Welcomes Director Domenic Scuglia!

Notre Dame welcomed Director Domenic Scuglia/Elvis this afternoon to witness Principal Todd Wilkinson/Superman get a pie in the face for Parent Council surpassing their goal and raising over $20,000 for the school at the Halloween Dance-A-Thon!

Thank you to Parent Council for all their fundraising efforts and all the parents who donated money for Notre Dame School.

Pictured below is the ... Continue reading "Notre Dame Welcomes Director Domenic Scuglia!"