It has been a busy re-start for robotics at Notre Dame.
The team is in the final two weeks leading up to representing the YCDSB at Skills Ontario’s
VEX IQ – Slapshot competition.
From September until December the team worked exclusively on First Lego League’s SUPERPOWERED game. After that they switched over to VEX IQ to get ready for Skills Ontario, however, they are looking into procuring the VEX materials in the preceding June from now on.
The robotics team (comprised of students in grade 5-8) work Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm to 5pm and at recesses as the opportunities arise.
The robotics team has begun to help teachers with the coding part of the curriculum by inviting students to the lab to do some of the coding the team have had to do in the competitions. The team made 8 identical Lego EV-3 robots for the students to use at 8 identical coding stations that they have managed to set up. After Skills Ontario, they anticipate giving some students some access to the VEX robots the team created, especially as students can experience controlling the robots via video-game-style controllers before trying to get the same performance out of them using code.
The Notre Dame school community wishes the the Robotics Team good luck as they represent YCDSB (the only team in YCDSB) on May 1st at the Toronto Congress Centre for the Skills Ontario VEX IQ Slapshot Competition! A HUGE thank you to Mr. Carnaffan as he prepares the team for the competition.