Category: General


This year Halloween falls on a Sunday. Although there will be no fundraiser as in year’s past, we will still be having a Dance in the class cohorts which will hopefully add some fun for our students! Teachers will also have some fun activities that can be done in class that follow the safety rules required. Students are welcome to wear costumes to school ... Continue reading "Halloween"

Safety Week

The week of October 18th to October 22nd has been designated as “Safety Awareness Week”.

As part of our safety initiative, along with all other schools in the York Catholic District School Board, we will be practicing a variety of safety procedures with students and staff.

Orange Shirt Day

ORANGE SHIRT DAY is observed each September 30th. All Canadians are invited to wear an Orange shirt to honour Indigenous people and to show a commitment to the idea that Every Child Matters. It is a time for remembering and to recall Canada’s residential schools and their profound sadness on Indigenous families and cultures. It is a time for healing and reconciliation–to celebrate the beautiful ... Continue reading "Orange Shirt Day"

Active School Travel (AST) Pilot Program

Notre Dame was chosen to participate in the 2021-2022 Active School Travel (AST) pilot program, a program to encourage more active modes of transportation when travelling to and from school daily. Official Launch Date for the pilot is Wednesday October 6th.

There are a number of components to the pilot program. Those include:

·          ... Continue reading "Active School Travel (AST) Pilot Program"