MYSP Consultation Process
Please click below to see a letter regarding upcoming consultation sessions for our Board’s Multi Year Strategic Plan Process.
Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School
Home of the Knights
Please click below to see a letter regarding upcoming consultation sessions for our Board’s Multi Year Strategic Plan Process.
Please click on the link below further information.
Please click on the following two links for important information regarding kindergarten registration for September of 2019.
Kindergarten Registration Flyer 2019-2020
Important Registration Information-Notice to Parent(s)Guardian(s)
This past November, the Ontario Liberal Party launched the Common Ground website:
The public has been asked to put forward proposals that address particular societal/local needs and priorities. Currently the most popular topic is the proposal for the amalgamation of schools under one school board. We encourage all YCDSB stakeholders to make their ... Continue reading "Board Notice"
Our York Catholic High Schools are looking forward to welcoming Grade 8 students to their upcoming High School Information Nights taking place this Fall.
The High School Information Night provides students and their parents with a chance to tour the high school facility, learn about the various programs and options available to them, and meet current staff and students who can ... Continue reading "High School Information Night For Parents / Guardians of Grade 8 students"